Sydney Gutsy Release Party

Scott McKean scott at
Mon Oct 8 02:55:43 BST 2007

Come on Melburnians!

Any interest down our end of the country?

On Mon, 2007-10-08 at 11:42 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Mark M Lambert">
> > I've had five expressions of interest in the Gutsy Release Party in
> > Sydney, so I guess that is enough to go ahead. I propose the following:
> > Date: Thursday 18th October 2007 Time: 7pm Location: Slip Inn, 111
> > Sussex Streeet, Sydney (corner King, end of the cycleway across Darling
> > Harbour).
> I'd suggest the James Squire Brewery House, just around the corner, as it is
> a well known haunt of the Sydney FLOSS community.
> > At the moment it looks like there is 5 or 6 of us, if anyone else is
> > interested it would assist if you let me know, but feel free to just turn
> > up on the night.
> You should definitely mention it on relevant local lists, such as SLUG. They
> would be happy to put it in their event calendar, too.
> - Jeff
> -- 
> 2008: Melbourne, Australia
>     "...and did you know that Twisties have real cheese in them?" - Dave
>         "I didn't even think they had real twists in them!" - Andrew

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