Looking for a new list maintainer

Jeff Waugh jdub at perkypants.org
Sun Oct 7 12:19:25 BST 2007

<quote who="Antonio Candito">

> And btw, my comment was not aimed at you :) was some other guy making out
> like the list was not worthy of the topic at hand, and that it was some
> kind of nonsense hierarchy issue.

Huh? I posted to the list so the request would be open and so the team lead
could provide an answer. It's not a nonsense hierarchy issue, it's just a
matter of respect and attention to community standards. Please, if you have
something to gripe about, be clear and direct.

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2008: Melbourne, Australia        http://lca2008.linux.org.au/
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                 The Linux Way: Everything is a filesystem.

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