Shutting down a Ubuntu server remotely from Windows?
Dave Hall
ubuntu at
Sun Nov 18 11:38:14 GMT 2007
Hi Tom,
On Sat, 2007-11-17 at 12:19 +1030, Tom Schinckel wrote:
> Okay, so I've turned an old box into a Ubuntu file server for the old
> man to keep his dodgey 80's music and other "important" files of his
> which he can access via Samba etc. on his XP desktop. Anyway, the
> problem I'm having is that he doesn't want it running 24-7, thus I'd
> like a way of remotely turning the thing off. Currently, the only way to
> do it is too ssh in and go sudo shutdown -P now, but that's a bit
> complicated for him, so he'd prefer if he could just click an icon on
> the desktop or something. I'm not to concerned if it's insecure, because
> everything's sitting behind a firewall.
> Any ideas?
You could try the following.
* On the Linux box Open up /etc/services in a text editor
(try "sudo nano /etc/services")
* Find a spare portnumber such as 4285 - not called <port>
* Add the bottom of /etc/services add the following
remotepoweroff <port>/tcp
* Save the file and exit your text editor
* Now open /etc/inetd.conf in your text editor
* At the end of the file add the following entry
remotepoweroff stream tcp nowait root /sbin/poweroff
* Save the file and exit the text editor
* Finally run "sudo /etc/init.d/inetd restart"
On the windows box just create a shortcut on the desktop similar to this
Name: Shutdown Server
Command: telnet ip.of.server <port>
Now click on the icon and wait for the box to power down :)
Good luck.
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