Connect phone to Telstra NextG using Ubuntu?

Karl Bowden karlbowden at
Fri Nov 2 02:51:03 GMT 2007

Well, I've had a little bit of success with connecting to the internet
with WM5 via dialup. I have found the jasjam to be a very flakey
phone/modem though.

You do not need to use the Wireless Modem application on the phone.

First connect an rfcomm dun channel to the computer.
hcitool scan
sdptool search dun
sudo rfcomm bind 0 00:17:E3:6D:58:73 3

(The last '3' is the channel number listed in sdptool. If sdptool does
not list any entries, your phone is not set up correctly)

First three files into /etc/ppp/peers:
connect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/peers/bigpond-connect"
disconnect "/usr/sbin/chat -v -f /etc/ppp/peers/bigpond-disconnect"
user "guest"

TIMEOUT         5
ECHO            ON
ABORT           '\nBUSY\r'
ABORT           '\nERROR\r'
ABORT           '\nNO ANSWER\r'
ABORT           '\nNO CARRIER\r'
ABORT           '\nNO DIALTONE\r'
ABORT           '\nRINGING\r\n\r\nRINGING\r'
''              \rAT
TIMEOUT         12
OK              ATH
OK              ATE1
OK              'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","telstra.internet"'
OK              ATM1L3DT*99#
TIMEOUT         10
CONNECT         ""

ABORT           "BUSY"
ABORT           "ERROR"
""              "\K"
""              "\K"
""              "\K"
""              "+++ATH"
""              "+++ATH"
""              "+++ATH"

 To the end of /etc/ppp/chap-secrets and /etc/ppp/pap-secrets:
 "guest" * "guest" *

Append to the end of /etc/network/interfaces:
iface bigpond inet ppp
    provider bigpond

You should now be able to start the session from NetworkManager (it
normally displays my wireless signal strength my laptop). Left click
on the NetworkManager go to Dialup connections then Connect to bigpond
via Modem.

If it does not work, try tailing /var/log/messages to see some debug messages.

I have found I have reset the phone on a regular basis when it wont connect.


On 11/2/07, David Whyte <david.whyte at> wrote:
> On 11/2/07, Jean Hollis Weber <jeanweber at> wrote:
> >
> > I'm feeling conspicuously dumb today (as you'll see below), so I hope you
> > or someone will take pity on me and help me find my way.
> I do understand.  I am just having an uber busy day at work so can't
> really take the time out to help now.  I will do what I can below...
> >
> > Where do I find the "PAN bluetooth profile"? Is that in Network Settings?
> > (System > Admin > Network) I find there two "Wired" connections, one of
> > which is PAN0; that's the only "PAN" I find -- but why does it say "wired"?
> > Or do I have to manually edit a file somewhere?
> I think that is for Ubuntu being the PAN server.  I didn't mess with
> that, but it is turned off for me and pan0 has gone from the network
> settings GUI.
> >
> > I find the bluetooth applet more than "a little confusing". Can you help me
> > figure this out?
> >
> > I have a little bluetooth symbol on the top panel, labelled "Bluetooth
> > Manager". When I right-click on it, I get three choices: Preferences,
> > About, and Browse Device. I assume that is the applet you are talking
> > about. (I also have on my System > Preference menu "Bluetooth Preferences"
> > which opens the same dialog that is opened from the other Bluetooth >
> > Preferences choice.)
> You have to first pair the phone.  I did this from my Windows Mobile
> phone as there doesn't seem to be a nice graphical user interface
> (GUI) for this in Ubuntu.  My phone then showed up when I went into
> preferences.
> Then you need to know the hardware address of the phone, which is in
> the format of NN:NN:NN:NN (off the top of my head).
> Then I had to start the PAN server on the phone and connect to it from
> Ubuntu by typing the command *similar* to the following..
> sudo pand --connect NN:NN:NN:NN -n
> where I substitute my phones address from above.
> >
> > When I select "Browse Device" my phone shows up in the little dialog, but
> > when I click Connect, I get an error message: "obex://[00:1d:98:7f:e8:27]"
> > is not a valid location. Please check the spelling and try again." Huh?
> > What have I not done, or done wrong? What should I do?
> I don't think Windows Mobile is supporting the correct profile to
> allow things to browse the device.  I don't know what profile that is
> though.
> >
> > Also, I don't know what I should choose in the Preferences. On the Services
> > tab I decided to tick everything, in case that helped. On the tab that is
> > labelled with my adapter name, what if anything should I see in "Bonded
> > devices"?
> Yeah, these don't help connecting as a PAN client.  This is where I
> think the extra GUI should be though.
> >
> > My phone offers to exchange a passcode with the computer, but I have no
> > idea where to input the passcode on the computer.
> My BT icon in the top tray flashes.  You have to click the flashing icon.
> >
> > Thanks for any clues you can give me. If you're young, think of how you
> > might explain it to your grandmother; I'm in that age group. I have enough
> > trouble figuring out how to use the features on the phone! :-)
> Heh, no problem.  You may have to wait until tonight though :P
> --
> ubuntu-au mailing list
> ubuntu-au at

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