Sydney Morning Herald video in firefox/ubuntu

Cefiar cef at
Fri May 18 08:24:58 BST 2007

On Friday 18 May 2007 15:55, Michael Noiesen wrote:
> If you don’t want to uninstall totem plugin, you can try this in a terminal
> cd /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins
> sudo mkdir oldtotemfiles
> sudo mv libtotem* oldtotemfiles

Just a note that on Edgy these files are in a different directory, otherwise 
the same thing applies. I had to do this in both /usr/lib/totem 
and /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins (there seemed to be 2 sets of plugins, and 
firefox seemed to pick up one of the pair whenever it felt like it).

Note: 'about:plugins' in Firefox will show you what plugins are active and in 
what order they are used (listed order). This will help track down if totem 
and/or other plugins are taking precedence over your preferred plugin.

 Stuart Young - aka Cefiar - cef at

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