Sydney Morning Herald video in firefox/ubuntu

Michael Noiesen noiesmo at
Fri May 18 06:55:53 BST 2007


There was a user one freenode channel having issue with Firefox and 
Mplayer. totem plugin was also installed so the following action was 
taken to fix the problem. In terminal..

sudo apt-get remove totem-mozilla

Now you need to reinstalled mplayer plugin for Mozilla and now your 
mplayer should work in firefox.

If you don’t want to uninstall totem plugin, you can try this in a terminal

cd /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins

sudo mkdir oldtotemfiles

sudo mv libtotem* oldtotemfiles

Now you need to reinstall mplayer plugin for firefox using the following 

sudo apt-get install --reinstall mozilla-mplayer

This should get mplayer to work

Restart Firefox for affects to take place

Daniel Nixon wrote:
> Hi list,
> Can anyone help me get video's working in Ubuntu 7.04? I've
> tried with the mozilla plugins for vlc, totem, mplayer but no luck.
> I'd be prepared to use any jerry rigged sort of hack, video downloader
> extension for firefox, etc.

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