Ubuntu locks up on .cab files

Sridhar Dhanapalan sridhar at dhanapalan.com
Wed May 16 23:16:09 BST 2007

On Wed, 16 May 2007, Andrew Swinn <andrew at swinndesign.com> wrote:
> Dimitri wrote:
> > Also there are extra special characters in .txt files made or edited by
> > Ubuntu if you open them back in Windows.
> > Considering advertised compatibility of Windows and Ubuntu data formats
> > such pain with .cab archives and .txt looks very dodgy.
> > I know I could Google an answer but would every other migrant from
> > Windows to Ubuntu bother to spent a life time just read a text file ?
>  From Wikipedia
> "Notepad can edit files of almost any format; however, it does not treat
> Unix-style text files correctly"
> The problem is with Notepad not handling the newline character created
> when editing a text file in Linux/Unix. The problem is with Windows
> Notepad being incompatible, not Linux being incompatible with Windows
> formats. There isnt one single encoding for a text file, there are many
> and it is unfortunate that Notepad is missing compatibility with this
> particular issue.
> A suggestion may be to look into using a newer text editor in your
> Windows environment that can handle newer and different text file
> formats. There may also be a Linux text editor that addresses this
> Notepad incompatibility. Does anyone else have suggestions for this?

There are three main kinds of text files: UNIX, Mac and Windows. They differ 
in the control codes used to denote line endings.

Notepad is a typical MS product: it only works on their own files. There are 
plenty of applications that can handle the three types. In *NIX editors, this 
is a normal feature. In Windows, you might want to try something like 
Textedit. There should be an option to alter its end-of-line behaviour when 

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