trying to start app at boot up
James Takac
p3nndrag0n at
Sat May 12 07:26:23 BST 2007
Hi Guys
What I'm noticing is that starting gdesklets via the .gnomerc script results
in the window decorations showing and not going away. However the same
command issued after gnome has started results in no window decorations
around the desklet (starter bar in my instanstance). So now I'm wondering is
there a place I can put the script so it starts after gnome starts up?
On Saturday 12 May 2007 14:43:45 you wrote:
> Hi Peter
> Thx 4 that. It works but with a single minor glitch. It starts just fine
> upon restrting, but it now has all the hallmarks of a window box around the
> desklet, i.e. minimise button, maximise, etc. Anyone know a way around
> that?
> James
> On Saturday 12 May 2007 14:11:39 Peter Garrett wrote:
> > On Sat, 12 May 2007 13:57:52 +1000
> >
> > "James Takac" <p3nndrag0n at> wrote:
> > > Hi Guys
> > >
> > > I'm trying to start gdesklets when Ubuntu 7.04 boots into the desktop.
> > > I've tried the usual method, i.e. System --> Preferences --> Sessions.
> > > Prob is that it wont remember anything added in the startup programs.
> > > Is there any other methods I could try, e.g startup scripts somewhere?
> >
> > Yes, you can create a file ~/.gnomerc ( /home/youruser/.gnomerc ) and
> > make it a script that runs your commands when gnome starts. Notice the
> > dot at the beginning of .gnomerc , of course. I have done this for
> > various bits and pieces - I currently use it to start the synergys daemon
> > when gnome starts on my main desktop box, so that I can share my keyboard
> > and mouse with my secondary machine.
> >
> > Peter
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