Ubuntu Switch Disk

Pete Brown pete at geekbuilt.com.au
Wed Jan 31 06:47:29 GMT 2007

On Wed, 31 Jan 2007 02:37:58 pm Paul Schulz wrote:
> Greetings,
> > here the ideas my friend and i have been having on this.
> >
> > it ask the user what email and web browser they use.
> > then ask where the files they want to keep are.
> > then copy those files into the new linux install and import the bookmarks
> > and email archives and their documents and what ever else.
> >
> > i think it would work best if it was run from the new linux install.
> > that way you wouldn't need to back up their potentially enormous amounts
> > of data.
> Another suggestion.. set it up as a 'backup/restore' disk..which can
> query the running
> Vista/XP system and build a profile for the user(s) and with their
> data burn it onto CD/DVD's if they want.  Set it up to reimport their
> settings into Vista/XP if they want, but since we now have collected
> the information, it can be used to build a Ubuntu box with the same
> information.

i though about that for a while and was wondering if its worth backing 
everything up when you could just install Ubuntu on a separate partition and 
then get the data off the windows partition.

saves a lot of time and dvd/cd's especially if there is a lot of data.

Peter Brown
GeekBuilt Systems
P   07 3366 4124
M   0422 210 756
E   pete at geekbuilt.com.au
W   http://geekbuilt.com.au
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