The new introductory site

James Purser purserj at
Sat Jan 20 03:55:38 GMT 2007

On Sat, 2007-01-20 at 13:22 +1100, Chris Jones wrote:
> Getting text size right is a thing in web development. You can't please
> everyone. It's all about finding a balance in between. Anyone in web development
> themselves will understand this.

Yes I understand this, as I've been doing web development for a while

> Now, moving on to the font issue. I have tested, my end, on Windows desktops and
> several Linux distros and the text is displayed correctly each and every time.
> Why some of you suggest you have to install additional Windows fonts, is beyond
> me. I've had no issues.
> I have changed the font however. Let me know what you think.

The thing I am concerned about, and this is something when you've been
doing web development for a while, is that you never assume that the
client has anything but the standard web fonts. I for instance do not
have either Comic or Trebuchet on my ubuntu install.

The other thing I would really like to stress is not using things like
font tags. Different browsers load up css vs html font information
differently, it would be easier if you defined everything in the css
file rather than trying to use font tags.

I am not trying to be nitpicky as you seem to think, rather making a
suggestion to ensure that all users get the same experience.

> I am aware that Ubuntu can be used on the Apple PowerPC structure. However, I
> was reluctant to include any information about it due to all Apple computers
> being sold now are using Intel hardware. Whether the PowerPC Ubuntu is
> compatible with the new Intel Macs, I have no idea. If somebody wants to email
> me and let me know that would be great. But until I am wiser on the issue, the
> mentioned information will be absent.

No the PPC version of Ubuntu is not compatible with the new intel based
Apple machines, however there are still plenty of PPC mac machines with
which PPC Ubuntu is compatible.

James Purser
Producer/Presenter - Open Source On The Air
A LocalFOSS Production
irc: #localfoss on
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