[Ubuntu-Au Dinner]

Melissa Draper melissa at meldraweb.com
Fri Jan 12 06:26:24 GMT 2007

Melissa Draper wrote:
> Greetings everyone!
> As has been mentioned a few times previously, some of us will be getting
> together during LCA week for an informal Ubuntu BoF session after hours.
> This was originally suggested to me by David Symons. The idea has
> progressed and as it stands now, we shall be meeting for a late casual
> dinner after the Open Day.
> Please accept this email as an invitation to this dinner.
> When:     Thursday 18th of January, 2007
> Time:     8:30pm until 'whenever'
> Where:    Regent Hotel
>           416-418 Anzac Pde
>           Kingsford 2032
>           Sydney
>           ( map: http://www.yourbars.com.au/guide/regent_hotel/map/ )
> Who:      Ubuntu users and other interested people. People who
> unfortunately could not attend LCA or even the open day, are most
> welcome to attend this dinner. Partners welcome.
> RSVP:     If you are fairly sure you can make it to this dinner, please
> hit reply and let me know, so I can give the bistro chef warning of the
> onslaught.
> Comments: Yes, there will be some food provided at the Open Day at
> around 6pm. I'm no expert on these things, but I pretty sure it will not
> be a banquet. Additionally, there is no obligation to actually eat
> dinner at the pub, and I am certain there'll be entree options for those
> just wanting something light.

We have so far 13 confirmed and a currently 3 tentatives lined up for
the Dinner on Thursday.

I will be calling the Regent some time tomorrow with an estimate. What
is a good number to tack onto the confirmation tally to cater for
unexpected attendees?

Melissa Draper


Phone: 0404 595 395
(intl): +61 404 595 395

P.O Box 1412
Lavington, NSW 2641

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