We have an answer! [New meeting time]

Joshua Henderson josh at joshhendo.com
Sun Feb 25 02:54:56 GMT 2007

Google Calendar would be much easier to use than ical, and easier to keep
updated (imho).

I think a public Google Calendar would be very good.

- Josh

On 2/24/07, Karl Goetz <kamping_kaiser at internode.on.net> wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-02-24 at 21:33 +1030, Paul Schulz wrote:
> > Mellissa,
> >
> > Would it be possible to create a Ubuntu-Au google calender and put out
> > events/meeting times in that?
> >
> > I know that this would be a pain (another spot to update) but the wiki
> > can then point to that for the meeting time information, and members
> > could organise 'ad-hoc' meetings and still have a good change of
> > everyone finding out about it.
> >
> > Just my $.02 worth,
> > Paul
> wouldnt it be better to do ical or something everyone can use?  (note:
> ggl calendar can export to ical if its easier for you to put it in there
> -> export it)
> kk
> --
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