Meeting Summary for 12th Feb 2007
Melissa Draper
melissa at
Wed Feb 14 12:26:35 GMT 2007
Here is the summary of the fortnightly Ubuntu-Au meeting, held on the
12th in #ubuntu-au on Freenode. Thanks to all that attended.
* Meeting day review: We need to check that Monday is still the best day
to meet on.
Ok, now this one counts for everyone who could possibly want to attend
Ubuntu-Au meetings. Please register your preferences with our meeting
day decide-o-matic at
Please register your preferences by the end of next week so the new
meeting day can be announced with appropriate warning.
If you fail to register your preferences, you cannot complain about the
meeting time :P
* Paul Schulz was interested in who else catches up with other
Ubuntuites, since he caught up with people in Perth recently.
People discussed when they had met other Ubuntu users.
* Paul Schulz announced the IT Discovery Day at the Mawson Lakes Center.
Sun, 25 Feb, 2pm-5pm - IT Discovery Day, Mawson Lakes. Ubuntu-Au has a
table and has received 300 CD's to give away at the event. (Some of
these have already been distributed as promotional material.) This
effort is being supported by Bettong, Air-Stream.Org and JoelStanly
(shenki) who has a OLPC laptop. The event is organised by Delfin-Lend
Lease to launch of their new community website, and is featuring
technology demonstrations by Telstra and Harvey-Norman. PaulSchulz
* Meeting frequency discussion (Unannounced, deferred to next meeting)
* ToDo List (Unannounced)
Members present decided that a good way to increase meeting
participation would be to create more ways for people to get involved.
We decided to create a ToDo list to which ideas could be posted for
people to take up. See
* MatthewV resigned from Wiki duty
MatthewV had until recently, been the assigned wiki scribe with regard
to general management (front page, categorising) and meetings.
Unfortunately he no longer has time and has gracefully stepped down.
Thanks MatthewV. We appreciate the work you've done for us :)
Reassigning this task has been deferred to next meeting.
Melissa Draper
Phone: 0404 595 395
(intl): +61 404 595 395
P.O Box 1412
Lavington, NSW 2641
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