Found Ubuntu Articles and their value.

David Symons ubuntu at
Thu Feb 1 23:31:07 GMT 2007

On 2/2/07, Tony Brow <tbrow at> wrote:
>  I came across this Tutorial and I know it is for Ubuntu 6.06:
>  ------ and through this one I found this:
>  My reason for showing this is not only for other Ubuntians to look at... but also to ask the Expert Ubuntians for their opinion and if it is wise
>  to 'play' with the second one ??

Hi Tony,

The first link looks really good.  Some observations:

- It doesn't describe gnome-app-install (accessible via Applications
-> Add/Remove...) which should be the first method of software
installation attempted.

- It should encourage people to report a bug against any GUI
application that should appear immediately in the Menu after
installation and doesn't.

- It mentions checkinstall as an alternative for installing
self-compiled packages but in a secondary fashion.  I feel it should
encourage its use more strongly.  It will save people much pain if
they need to uninstall.

WRT the second page: I've not tried any of the described method myself
but it looks good to me.  I learnt a lot from it and would feel quite
happy to "play" with it myself.

BTW,  despite replying to your message I hereby disclaim any tag of
"Expert Ubuntian" :-) .

Hope this helps.

Cheers, Dave.
David Symons
Canberra, Australia

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