Dual boot. XP & U7.1

James Takac p3nndrag0n at gmail.com
Mon Dec 31 04:56:14 GMT 2007

On Monday 31 December 2007 14:30:14 The Wassermans wrote:
> I have downloaded Ubuntu 7.1 (Desktop).  I burned it to a CD.
> I want to install it on a PC running Win XP.  The Xp installation was
> partitioned 50/50
> Problems:
> 1.  The 7.1 CD does not boot.
> 2. I don't know how to install a dual boot.  Are there some easy
> instructions somewhere? 3.Should I use FAT32 or NFTS?
> Anyone able to point me in the right direction please.
> Dave W

Hi Dave

#1 - How did you burn the cd? Did you just burn the file to cd or did you burn 
it as an image? The first wont work as it's the second you need to do

#2 is you cd/dvd drive set to boot from in the bios? If not you'll need to set 
it so and enable it to boot before the hard drive

#3 It'll ask you how you wish to go. What I did was to have that second half 
of the drive unpartioned and then told ubuntu to use the free space. Once 
it's done you'll have a grub menu to choose your os from at boot up

#4 check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation


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