
martin fricke camelgrass at
Thu Aug 16 06:19:13 BST 2007

I doubt that there would be enough demand in Australia to make it worth while. Unless you want to pay $1.50 or more per badge compared to the US offer of around 30 cents if they get 10000 printed.


On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 14:53:09 +1000, Andre Mangan <andremangan at> wrote:

> For your consideration:
> Please note the size of these badges - 29 x 19, about the same size as the
> "powered by Ubuntu" stickers.
> For me the stickers were so small that I enlarged them to 50 x 36 so that
> they would be more noticeable.
> What about getting a cost estimate for having these things produced here in
> Australia if the numbers are sufficient.
> Cheers,
> Andre

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