Fwd: Re: Ubuntu Lite

James Takac p3nndrag0n at gmail.com
Sun Aug 12 00:35:20 BST 2007

On Saturday 11 August 2007 10:34:23 Damian nolan wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who has made a suggestion. Ill give Xubuntu a shot
> and seed how we go with that.
> On a lightly different note, I seem to have a slight problem with the
> iso's I have downloaded. When I check the file listing for each iso,
> none of them give me the impression that they are bootable. I have been
> downloading the images from the "official" download sites, but still,
> each one I have gotten brings me no joy.
> Is there something I have to do when I go to burn them, or is it that
> they are no longer bootable CD's anymore?
> (for example, check out:
> http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/feisty/release/xubuntu-7.04-alt
>ernate-i386.list It gives a complete file listing of whats on the iso that
> you download, but nothing seem to give the impression that the resulting
> disc will be bootable.
> Regards
> Damian Nolan

High Damian

Just how have you been trying to create your cd? It might help to know which 
software you used to burn and what steps you took. If for example you just 
burned a copy of the iso to the disc, that wont produce a bootable cd. 
However if you use something like k3b and select burn cd image, then either 
browse to the iso or drag it into k3b and burn from there you should get 
somewhere provided the iso isnt damaged


Another idea here. Sometimes the iso can get corrupted during the download. I 
was downloading gusty tribe 4 last night  and the i386 desktop version seemed 
to download so much faster than the alternate vervion. I mean 12 secs as 
oppossed to the regular 1-2 hrs. Maybe you had something similar. In this 
case I chose the torrent download afterwards which took longer but got a 
healthy iso file in return. So maybe just need to try and alternate way (or 
maybe browser) to download it



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