Installation to Feisty Fawn alias Ubuntu 7.o4 from Edfy Eft.

Karl Bowden karlbowden at
Thu Apr 19 23:51:52 BST 2007

Hey mate.
I have 2 machines of my own and a friends has two that we have upgraded from
edgy to feisty. Mostly ok. Couple of small packages that required forcing.
Plus a debian unstable server at work that we cross graded to feisty. Took a
bit more work.

- Karlos

On 4/20/07, Tony Brow <tbrow at> wrote:
>  Hi Folks,
> How is the upgrade going to the above from Edgy Eft ? Did it all  go well
> ? Sofar I have not seen any Aussie news/comments on this.
> My attempt seemed to go fine untill---- it said-- it needed '0B' (that is
> zero B). Well I checked in Google what  '0B is, but there is no site that
> can explain  in lay man's  language what it is and indicate where on can
> get '0B'.   Is my system saying it has no space ? Is it some sort of bug.
> How can us newbies correct this ?
> I get the feeling that Feisty Fawn must be heaps better than MS Vista.
> thanks in advance for any help
>   --
> Tony Brow <tbrow at>
> --
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