Installing programs/ where are they after install

Matthew Vermeulen mattvermeulen at
Thu Apr 12 23:43:53 BST 2007

On 4/13/07, Tony Brow <tbrow at> wrote:
>  Hallo Folks,
> When installing programs using 'apt-get' or 'aptitude' , where do these
> programs finish up and where can one find them
> in order to start using them ?? This has still got me bluffed. And the
> 'install howto' programs don't say either where to look for
> the installed programs. I think this has got a lot of 'newbies' bluffed.

Generally, programs will add an entry to the Applications menu, and can be
reached through there. If this is not the case, try pressing Alt + F2 and
typing in the name of the program and then hitting Enter.

Matthew Vermeulen
MatthewV @
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