au secours

Andre Mangan andremangan at
Fri Oct 6 02:39:04 BST 2006

Hello to you all,

The transition to Ubuntu for me is still not yet total.  There are a few
programs that I have become used to and would like to ask if there are
equivalents or better that will work in Ubuntu.  The Official Ubuntu Book
lists some equivalents but unfortunately not the ones I need.

   1. Mailwasher Pro, a program that will let me preview emails before
   downloading.  Very good for sifting spam.  Unfortunately it will not let me
   download selectively to separate computers.
   2. Message Tag, to advise me when an email that I have sent has been
   'opened' by the recipient.
   3. PedX, an animal pedigree program specifically for cats and dogs.  I
   have found some Linux pedigree programs on line but would like to read a
   recommendation from someone who uses one.
   4. HTML Protector, a JavaScript encryption program that I use to
   remind would-be plagiarists (thieves) to respect copyright on my websites.
   5. Peripherals that still do not work are:

Scanner - CanoScan D1250U2  - I have read the supported scanner listings and
this one is not supported.  So, I guess Windows (oops, I did not mean to
blaspheme) lives for yet another day.  I would like to know though which
scanners are in use by fellow Ubuntu users in Australia.

Fax - I know that there are fax programs but there is no point in pursuing
this yet when the scanner will not work.  Still, a recommendation would be

Logitech QuickCam IM - gives me a still picture with some strange colours
via XSane.  I have read of it working with Ubuntu but am confused by by the
requirements of different models.  Does anyone else use this gadget ?

...and I haven't even started on WINE.


andremangan at
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