(fwd) [first_tuesday] Next meeting - Tuesday November 7th, 2006 - General Discussion and release of "Edgy Eft" Ubuntu Linux

Andrew Shugg andrew at neep.com.au
Mon Nov 6 07:59:59 GMT 2006

Hi folks,

If any of you are in Perth you are most welcome; or know someone in
Perth who might be interested in attending this free meeting, please
pass the message along!

There will also be some discussion about the upcoming Daylight Savings
Time looming over Western Australia and what people are going to be
doing for their various systems and networks.


Andrew S.

----- Forwarded message from Andrew Shugg <andrew at neep.com.au> -----

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Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2006 13:12:12 +0800
From: Andrew Shugg <andrew at neep.com.au>
To: First Tuesday List <first_tuesday at neep.com.au>
X-URL: http://www.neep.com.au/
Subject: [first_tuesday] Next meeting - Tuesday November 7th,
	2006 - General Discussion and release of "Edgy Eft" Ubuntu Linux

Hi all,

Our scheduled speaker for this month's meeting is unfortunately
double-booked: however we can look forward to his presentation early in
the New Year.

This month's meeting, then, will be a less formal arrangement.  The
Ubuntu Linux distribution made its most recent release on October 26 and
introduced a number of exciting "under the hood" changes.  These will be
enthusiastically demonstrated by yours truly and there will be some very
exciting give-aways to some lucky attendees.  =)


                  AUUG Western Australian Chapter Meeting


                SAGE-AU Western Australian Chapter Meeting

                           - 7th November 2006 -

              This month's meeting is sponsored and presented by:

           ** SAGE-AU: The System Administrators Guild of Australia **


DATE:   Tuesday November 7th, 2006

TIME:   6:00 PM (drinks), 6:30 PM (meeting)

VENUE:  Moon and Sixpence British Pub
        300 Murray St
        Perth 6000

        Ph: 0423 300 444  (Andrew S./SAGE-AU)


 6:00   Meet for drinks and chat at "The Stables" in the rear of the Pub.  The
        area is roped off with signage announcing the meeting.

 6:25   Migration to the Raine Room of the adjoining Comfort Inn.

 6:30   Welcome & Weekly War Stories.

 6:35   Meeting commences: this month sponsored by SAGE-AU.

	This month's topic is "Ubuntu 6.10 - Edgy Eft", presented by Andrew
        Shugg, with audience participation extremely welcome.  =)

        Read all about it:


 7:30   Meeting close.  Migration back to the Pub for beer, soft drinks,
        sandwiches, Q&A, and General Discussion of current IT issues.

  The Moon and Sixpence pub is located on Murray Street, Perth, between Queen
  and William Streets.  It is within easy walking distance of the Busport,
  Wellington Street Bus Station or Perth Train Station.  For those who are
  driving, Murray Street is one-way with vehicle entry available from Milligan
  Street.  Parking is available from one of several City of Perth carparks
  located along Murray Street, as well as in bays on Murray Street itself.

  Please pass this message on to any other people that you know who might be
  interested in attending - system administrators, technicians, engineers,
  hobbyists, enthusiasts, etc. Everyone is welcome!  Permission to forward this
  message overrides the usual SAGE-AU mailing list disclaimer or any other that
  may appear below.

  The WA "First Tuesday" monthly meetings are jointly sponsored by SAGE-AU and
  AUUG, with this month being sponsored by SAGE-AU.  Non-members are welcome to
  attend up to two meetings before being requested to join SAGE-AU and/or AUUG
  as financial members.  Membership forms are available at the meetings or
  online at the SAGE-AU website (http://www.sage-au.org.au/) and the AUUG
  website (http://www.auug.org.au/).

We look forward to seeing you at the November 2006 meeting!


Andrew S, for SAGE-AU.        Steve L, for AUUG.

Andrew Shugg <andrew at neep.com.au>                   http://www.neep.com.au/

"Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself."
"Is there?  Well I'd like to meet him.  I could do with a good laugh."

first_tuesday mailing list
first_tuesday at neep.com.au

----- End forwarded message -----


Andrew Shugg <andrew at neep.com.au>                   http://www.neep.com.au/

"Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself."
"Is there?  Well I'd like to meet him.  I could do with a good laugh."

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