[SLUG] sydney ubuntu launch party thurs night

Sridhar Dhanapalan sridhar at dhanapalan.com
Wed May 31 12:51:34 BST 2006

On Monday 29 May 2006 16:58, "Peter baker" <jellyware at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey guys
> My suggestion for the sydney launch party of ubuntu "Dapper drake" on thurs
> night is the Cauliflower Hotel, 123 Botany Rd, Waterloo (5 mins walk from
> redfern station)
> http://www.cauliflowerhotel.com.au/
> I have actually never been there, but I spoke to the manager and they have
> free wireless internet access for the laptop junkies.  I would love to see
> dapper in action.....

Is the party still going ahead? Will it be at the Cauliflower Hotel, Cohi Bar 
or elsewhere? At what time should it start?

Sridhar Dhanapalan  [Yama | http://www.pclinuxonline.com/]
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