Showcasing Ubuntu 6.06 LTS

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Fri May 12 13:41:42 BST 2006

<quote who="Sridhar Dhanapalan">

> Bad wording on my part. I did mention to a few visitors that I know some
> people who are using it on their everyday desktops (which is true), but we
> were all careful to say that it was a technology demo of a next-generation
> desktop system, and not yet ready for production use. Nevertheless, they
> were very impressed.

Sweet. It was very satisfying at LWE to have a live demonstration of XGL on
dapper (drawing huge crowds) while the Novell booth just had videos. ;-)

- Jeff

GUADEC 2006: Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain  
                    "Whatcha wanna be when you grow up?"
                            "Eight and a half."

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