Showcasing Ubuntu 6.06 LTS

James Purser purserj at
Fri May 12 12:37:36 BST 2006

On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 21:32 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Sridhar Dhanapalan">
> > At CeBIT, we were able to tell people that they are able to do it all on
> > their current machines, and that it'll arrive much sooner than Vista.
> That's not entirely true. There are a whole bunch of annoying hardware
> restrictions - don't let people get the impression it'll run on anything!

We didn't. We introduced it as a next generation technology, still in
development. The fact that it did run on such lowly hardware was a plus

We were careful to stress how new it was, however the reaction was the
same, "Wow, cool!" We had plenty of people lining up just to see the XGL
James Purser
Producer/Presenter - Linux Australia Update - My Blog - My IT Consultancy - LA Update Podcast, LUG Roundup and more
Skype: purserj1977
SIP: 736855 at
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