Leaving the LoCo Team

Yuki Cuss celtic at sairyx.org
Thu May 11 14:13:27 BST 2006

On Thu, 2006-05-11 at 21:31 +1000, GrAnT GaLbRaiTh wrote:
> Guys, 
> this is just a quick message to let you know I'll be leaving the LoCO
> team. It has nothing to do with the recent debates and is related to
> something else altogether outside Ubuntu. Maybe I'll be back one
> day... maybe not. 
> Anyway, it's been a blast :D... 
> take care <3
> Grant


Sorry to hear that you're leaving! You were one of our first members. :)
I wish you luck in your other freedom-related activities!

 - Yuki.

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