An Open Letter to the Ubuntu-au Members

William Grant tanarrifujitsu at
Thu May 4 22:30:33 BST 2006

On Fri, 2006-05-05 at 06:54 +1000, GrAnT GaLbRaiTh wrote:
> On 5/5/06, Mark M Lambert <mark+linux.ubuntu at> wrote:
>         If having a domain name is an issue - a quick whois will show
>         that
> has been registered by Canonical. I'm sure they
>         will let
>         us use it if we ask nicely.
> Canonical has already given us, which I believe is
> going online today :)

Canonical gave us a few days ago (after I pestered
Matthias Ulrichs about it for a while), but it was SolutionsFirst (in
Melbourne, I believe) who gave us

Anyway, I too think we might not be ready to `go official.' Although it
would probably improve our image, it might not be a good idea at this
early stage.

Now, I'm not in the industry, but a number of people who co-wrote the
letter are... They probably know what they're doing, but I still don't
think it should happen right now.


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