An Open Letter to the Ubuntu-au Members

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Thu May 4 15:52:18 BST 2006

<quote who="Andrew">

> Please let us know what your thoughts are regarding this plan.

There's a number of things you don't actually address in your document:

 * What the "goals of the members" are

 * What it is that you want to "make happen"

 * Why it would be necessary to create (yet another) formal organisation in
   order to achieve those goals

 * Why it is necessary, and what it would mean to be "professionally

 * Any details about what the formalised structure would be like

 * Why a loose-knit group of passionate people with the support of existing
   organisations across the country can't achieve what you're after

I admire your energy and ambition, but I can't quite see where this fits in.
The only LoCoTeams that have any formal organisational structure thus far
are the ones that require it to exchange goods and services (such as selling
t-shirts and stickers at events).

Creating any kind of organisation is not to be taken lightly, and before I
would even imagine doing such a thing in a group like this, I would want to
be absolutely sure of two things: purpose and vision. We don't have either
of those just yet: We're a rag-tag bunch of Ubuntu lovers on a mailing list,
and that's an *awesome* place to be. All rock'n'roll, no boring stuff. :-)
To put it in boring business terms, I see a lot of cost, but not a lot of

I'd strongly recommend that we focus on creating goals and getting things
done before going down this route. There are many organisations across the
country that we can collaborate with -- at LinuxWorldExpo in Sydney last
month, I sat in the Linux Australia booth, handed out *heaps* of Ubuntu CDs
and demonstrated the awesomeness that is Dapper. Simple, but effective. No
strings attached. If we consider doing bigger things, Linux Australia and
local LUGs can provide resources, contacts, and even things like insurance
if required.

The important question: What is it that you guys actually want to do? :-)


- Jeff

GUADEC 2006: Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain  
   "Warning: we're not going to use the testing sessions as vehicles for
                    personal UI vendettas." - Anna Dirks

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