Results of CC meeting.

GrAnT GaLbRaiTh manicka at
Wed Mar 22 19:05:31 GMT 2006

sabdfl was particularly clear was he? I wonder if we actually have been
accepted as an official team or not?

On 3/22/06, Yuki Cuss <celtic at> wrote:
> Hi all,
> It's too late for anything thorough right now :) I'll pick key quotes:
> <sabdfl> YukiCuss: nice wiki page, wide spread of members across the
> country
> <sabdfl> ok, YukiCuss, are you the group leader, have you had any
> process to confirm that internally?
> <YukiCuss> Particularly we're inspecting schools; demonstrations of how
> Ubuntu can be used inside a school, and also FOSS.
> <YukiCuss> sabdfl, I am the group leader, and it's been confirmed that
> I'm the team contact at a meeting.
> <YukiCuss> We had our first one today, it worked out well. :)
> <Seveas> YukiCuss, do you promote edubuntu too?
> <YukiCuss> sabdfl, at the moment, we're hoping that we can get some form
> of priority with ShipIt; we'd like to be able to get Dapper out here as
> quickly as we can, before the rush.
> <YukiCuss> (rush of downloads begins, that is; I think the convenience
> of a real CD will overwhelm them :))
> <YukiCuss> Other than that, we're going to keep self-regulating (meeting
> every fortnight has been agreed on and seems to be convenient), and see
> how we can let our projects take off.
> <sabdfl> YukiCuss: local production an distribution depends on having a
> company locally that can do it well at great prices, if you have
> nominations, the right person to ping is hmb
> <sabdfl> on freenode
> <sabdfl> hande at
> <YukiCuss> Thanks!
> <sabdfl> YukiCuss: we've yet to find a regional company that can do it
> cost effectively, but would love to get it working well
> <YukiCuss> sabdfl, we've got a few people who are very interested in
> doing local mailouts.
> <Seveas> YukiCuss, local mailouts rock
> <sabdfl> we can probably do high priority shipment after release if you
> have a specific function or requirement
> <sabdfl> anyway, thank you for checking in, and thanks for setting up
> the team
> - Yuki.
> --
> ubuntu-au mailing list
> ubuntu-au at


Grant Galbraith
manicka at
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