Problems with dual-boot / GRUB.

SMOK krakau at
Sat Dec 9 04:27:44 GMT 2006

Hello Ubuntus,

I have some problems with Ubuntu installation.
I have one hard-drive (primary master) with Windows XP, which I need to keep.
I also have a second hard-drive (primary slave), which I wanted to use for Ubuntu.

You wrote to me that it is possible and I need GRUB.

Well..., GRUB fails at stage 2.
Now I can't boot the computer.
I am afraid that my Windows hard-drive may be lost too.

The only way to see anything on this computer is to boot it from Ubuntu CD.
Unfortunately, I can't see any of the hard-drives.
Ubuntu says that they can't be mounted.

Please, help, help, help, HELP, HELP.
Ubuntu looks very good.
Is there any way to recover my Windows XP?


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