[Fwd: Current Edubuntu CD]

David Symons ubuntu at liberatedcomputing.net
Wed Aug 9 04:24:52 BST 2006

Hi Gary,

I've forwarded this to the Ubuntu Australian Local Community Team list.
Hopefully someone on it can assist.

Cheers, Dave.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Cary Bielenberg <cary at bielenberg.id.au>
Reply-To: cary at bielenberg.id.au
To: edubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Current Edubuntu CD
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 12:30:41 +1000

  I'm chasing a edubuntu CD for a test at my daughters school tomorrow, I was 
hoping that someone might have 1 I can copy on the Sunshine Coast QLD 
Australia. I have tried to copy from the net but has failed 4 times & have 
almost used my DSL allocation.

Cheers cary

David Symons

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