Meeting reminder for August 7

Karl Goetz kamping_kaiser at
Sun Aug 6 11:21:13 BST 2006

Melissa Draper wrote:
> *** MEETING REMINDER: Monday August 7th at 20:00 Sydney Time (19:30
> Adelaide Time and 18:00 Perth Time). ***
Apologies in advance for not being there.

> Greetings,
> This email is being sent to remind people of the meeting held tomorrow
> (Monday August 7th, 2006) in the #ubuntu-au IRC channel on
> Currently the agenda is as follows:
>     *
>       SFD Plans and ideas
>           o
>             Software Freedome Day is now approximately 5 weeks off,
>             let's discuss current plans and share our ideas. -
>             MelissaDraper <>
>             (elkbuntu)
Especially since this is something I'm interested/involved in.

> If you think of any additional agenda items, please add them to the
> meeting wiki page <>.

Karl Goetz
The buck stops there -> $
Australian Ubuntu users team -

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