Dapper and HPLIP

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at ubuntu.com
Thu Apr 6 14:26:05 BST 2006

<quote who="Craig Cooper">

> I was distressed to see that only one Hewlett Packard PSC device is
> included with Dapper. The CVS version includes 8 or more, including my PSC
> 1400. This could be confusing to new users, seeing the PSC is a cheap
> printer/scanner/copier which is quite popular.
> Just FYI seeing I wouldn't know where to begin lodging a bug/feature with
> Ubuntu.


- Jeff

FISL 7.0: Porto Alegre, Brazil        http://fisl.softwarelivre.org/7.0/www/
   "And if you think this fucking little tub of gold popcorn is going to
    remotely make up for everything we've suffered, you're sadly fucking
                            mistaken!" - Gollum

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