I am glad to see that others also seem to think that the death of this list is a problem. This thread is for discussing how to get back on track.<br><br>Problem #1<br>There are far too many people on this list that never seem to post.<br>
Solution:<br>Trim the list to contributors only, only those that post and contribute regularly.<br><br>Problem #2<br>This list is no longer wanted by Canonical for feedback and ideas.<br>Solution:<br>This is mostly because of our track record. As we start publishing and getting things done they will come back (hopefully.)<br>
<br>Problem #3<br>The wiki may be falling apart.<br>Solution:<br>Good let it die. No seriously the wiki in my opinion is cumbersome, and difficult to edit. I say we move our discussion to this mailing list and our postings to the deviantart group (see #7). We can use the wiki as an archive to for our results.<br>
<br>Problem #4<br>We no longer know what people on this list can do.<br>Solution:<br>Start a thread, and ask people to post examples of their artwork, along with what they might have experience doing (theming/websites/flash)<br>
<br>Problem #5<br>We are constrained by time.<br>Solution:<br>To hell with that. This is 2010, and most people are connected to the web, we should make our own ppa if we feel the need for packages, otherwise we will publish our products directly on the web. We <b>need</b> to stress quality over quantity and time.<br>
<br>Problem #6<br>We no longer have any direction of what to do.<br>Solution:<br>This entirely depends on #4 and the skillsets we can tap on this list. At the very least, we start off small and create a community set of wallpapers, as well as alpha and beta wallpapers. Lets find out who to annoy to get this done. How would you feel if community artwork had an overarching loose theme, say “Humanity” or “Narwhals”?<br>
<br>Problem #7<br>Deviantart<br>Solution:<br>Is docmo on this list? he has done a fantastic job of running the #ubuntu-artists group. however I note that most of the people in the group are artists that use ubuntu, and might not be neccesarily interested in creating community artwork. Lets create a new ubuntu-communityart group on DA. DA is a heck of a lot better place to comment on and version control artwork.