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Hi Anton,<BR>
Could you use .tar or zip, or anything supported by default?<BR>
Thx, Adam<BR>
On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 12:21 +0000, ubuntu-art-request@lists.ubuntu.com wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. New Wave 0.8.0 for Ubuntu (Anton Kerezov)
<FONT SIZE="2">email message attachment</FONT>
-------- Forwarded Message --------<BR>
<B>From</B>: Anton Kerezov <<A HREF="mailto:Anton%20Kerezov%20%3cankere@gmail.com%3e">ankere@gmail.com</A>><BR>
<B>Reply-to</B>: Discussion on Ubuntu artwork <ubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com><BR>
<B>To</B>: Ubuntu artwork <<A HREF="mailto:Ubuntu%20artwork%20%3cubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com%3e">ubuntu-art@lists.ubuntu.com</A>><BR>
<B>Subject</B>: [ubuntu-art] New Wave 0.8.0 for Ubuntu<BR>
<B>Date</B>: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 14:20:58 +0200<BR>
Hi all,
I haven't still officially announced the release of New Wave 0.8 but as
it is going to be included in Ubuntu as one of the defaults I would like
everybody that have 10 min to spare to download and test the theme. I
haven't tried it on Jaunty yet so if there is anybody running it I would
very much appreciate some feedback. If there are any problems do not
hesitate to write me. In general that's new:
- Focus for textboxes
- New Treeview design
- New scrollbars
- Even better focus system for tabs, and range ctrls
- Custom Nautilus sidebar
- Tooltips, popups and progressbars are redesigned
P.S. I will download a copy of Jaunty today but my feedback would not be
enough so please write me.
P.P.S. I attach Firefox theme in beta version.
Thanks in advance,