Hello to all! first of all i would like to present myself, i'm new on UbuntuArt. I'm from spain (sorry, my english is quite 'strange') and I study computer science at the UIB (University of Balearic Islands). Ok, so here's my opinion about the sounds:
<br><br>I really like Sample03. I find it very clear but in my opinion the sound in the end is quite high. Maybe a lower sound could be even better. Anyway I find it very fresh and clean. Great! Also the sound reminds me a lot to Vangelis Blade Runners OST, but is not so 'electronic' as Sample05, so it's great.
<br><br>What I like about Sample04 is the lenght. Very short but beautiful, simple and effective.<br><br>Sample05 reminds me more a Jean Michelle Jarre song than a startup song. Maybe it's too 'electric'? but is a great work.
<br><br>Sample08 is a great clip. More 'Human' or old school than others. Maybe mixing things of Sample03 and Sample08 could be perfect for ubuntu.<br><br>The rest of sound clips are great, and you have done a great job, really, but in my opinion they doesn't sound like a startup sound. But I want to emphasize that you are doing a great work, really.
<br><br>My advices:<br><br>1.- A startup sound must be short, not too long.<br>2.- Include some 'ubuntu style' sounds like the drums in Sample08<br>3.- I find 'electric' sounds no inspiring or less 'positive'. The perfect balance is shown in Sample03.
<br><br><br>Have a nice day!! <span style="font-style: italic;">Que tengan un buen día!</span><br>