Once more I've played around with some wallpaper ideas. For those wondering why I'm pumping out these things, it's my own little way of experimenting up a feel and form in my own head. Each idea directs the next one, and I think I'm starting to home in on a pretty decent edgy-look.
<br><br>The first one on <a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/EdgyProposals/WallpaperProposal">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/EdgyProposals/WallpaperProposal</a> which I've named 'glassflower' is my personal favourite so far. It's a distinct look, and retaining some simplicity while at the same time being pretty detailed. The reason for it was that I was experimenting with fully glossy backgrounds, and I just didn't like it as a full background since it takes too much focus. I usually prefer light abstract colours. But in order to connect the glossy perspective we wish for Edgy, I created a reflective center in the middle of the flower pattern. Best of both worlds. :)
<br><br>Been playing around with the color of the glassblob in the middle, and most colors look pretty neat, but I settled on a yellowish in order to not break too much from the background palette. I've upped a 1600x1200 version of it on my wikipage too, it's linked from the proposalpage.
<br><br>The second one is too light, ofcourse, but it's a swiveling pattern I was experimenting with and slapped in a little branding.<br><br>Third one is a simple abstract reflective 3D render, which I've layered up to smooth out from the center out to create a little macro-effect.
<br><br>I'm also starting to get intrigued by the usplash right now, so I might soon have some ideas there as well. He who lives shall see.<br><br>Cheers<br>/weidel<br><br>Ps! Feedback regarding the walls is very useful, even if it's only a statement on which is your favourite, as it helps me work out what to think about next time.