<br><br><b><i>Daniel Borgmann <daniel.borgmann@gmail.com></i></b> wrote:<blockquote class="replbq" style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"> On 4/2/06, bvc <bvcmdk@yahoo.com> wrote:<br>> I can understand different elements and it's nice to bring these out, but<br>> the current progressbar is...I don't know what it is (2 lines with a<br>> mid-to-top gradient?). It most definately needs to be smoothed out and in<br>> doing so will automatically look more like the titlebar, so, just make it<br>> like the titlebar. I can't recall anyone saying they like it, All comments<br>> about it have been negative, so obviously something is wrong and it doesn't<br>> make sense to keep it as it is.<br><br>That is simply not true, pretty much everyone I personally spoke to<br>liked the progressbar. I don't give too much on a bunch of negative<br>comments, it would be more interesting if you actually asked a bunch<br>of
neutral people and most of them would respond negatively. The<br>people who like something specifically (or don't mind it) usually<br>don't speak up by themselves.<br><br>The progressbar is meant to look like a shiny, glassy, rounded kind of<br>tube, while the titlebar is meant to look like a much flatter, solid<br>kind of bar. If it's bad then it's bad because it's bad, not because<br>it's different.<br><br>Same goes for colors, some variety is not evil but can make a theme<br>more interesting to look at, especially in the long run. Curiously you<br>don't see this obsession with uniformity from the closed source<br>desktops. While you might personally not like the variety of colors in<br>Microsoft's offering or the multiple styles used by OSX, it apparently<br>works quite well for them.<br><br>Daniel<br></bvcmdk@yahoo.com></blockquote><br>The progressbar does not look like a shiny, glassy, rounded kind of<br>tube, that the
point!<br>http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/~bvc/dapper-xubu/progressbar3.png<br>That does (more), but you don't want to tone it down? It currently just flat out doesn't look like anything. Why not compromise?<br><br>The titlebar mockup looks pretty lame now that I see it in a mockup. There's not a lot one can do with that orange and have it look good, but we knew that. <br><br>Sorry, but 96% of all themes/desktops ever created are uniform. Your incorrect comments on other platforms do not astound me as we've been down this road a few times. Try and steer clear of selective reasoning and focus on the artwork. We're not finger painting here.<br><br>Billy<br><p>
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