[ubuntu-art] New icon needed: Software Updater

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at canonical.com
Fri Jan 25 12:13:07 UTC 2013

Hash: SHA1

Hey Vish

Vish wrote on 24/01/13 10:42:
> ...
> While the idea of an airdrop/parachute is nice, as someone else
> also pointed out, people are more used to the arrows and it is
> easier to use that "known metaphor" for updates to make it easier
> for people to recognise "updates".

It may be true that people are more used to arrows. I have nothing
against using arrows. But that doesn't mean it's the only "known

For example, most often when people install software updates anywhere,
they're doing it on Windows. Windows doesn't use arrows for its
updates icon.

> Since updates are something that need to be a part of Software
> centre, it is better to have a Software Updater icon that is a
> derivative of the original Software centre icon rather than making
> it look like a completely different/unrelated app.

If anyone ever implements updates in USC, it will be one way of
installing application updates. It will not be the only way to install
any updates. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates#approaches>

Besides that, installing updates has nothing to do with shopping. So a
Software Updater icon that looked related to shopping would have a
non-sequitur problem like the current icon.

Your proposal is extremely well drawn (nice job!), but unfortunately
it has all three problems. It still has the "A", it still has the fake
progress bar, and it looks like shopping too. :-)

- -- 

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