[ubuntu-art] Backtestground Explained

Сергей shnatsel at gmail.com
Sun Jan 23 20:41:07 UTC 2011

Oh, and it would be a very nice not to be limited to "zoom" mode. I'd
appreciate the ability to test other options: "centered", "scaled",
"stretched", "zoom", "spanned", there also was some weird name for tiling.
And for "scaled" and "spanned" options arises background color problem, so
you might need to implement that someday as well.
Making gradients is simple with Imagemagick - just write a primitive SVG
gradient template and pass it with the needed colors to render it or (even
simplier) generate a 2-pixel BMP image (from a template, of course) and make
imagemagick resize it with linear or bicubic interpolation.

Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff
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