[ubuntu-art] Video Animations

Ivanka Majic ivanka.majic at canonical.com
Wed Jan 19 09:23:31 UTC 2011

On 18/01/11 01:03, John Baer wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 11:02 AM, Ivanka Majic 
> <ivanka.majic at canonical.com <mailto:ivanka.majic at canonical.com>> wrote:
>     Happy New Year all!
>     Do we have anyone in the community who makes fun little things
>     like this?
>     http://vimeo.com/18669276
> Not me. :(  I thought this video was well done.
> http://www.sebastianbap.com/#408758/BBVA

How do you think we should go about attracting people like this? Is it 
tools we are missing or is it people with the right creative skills?

Ivanka Majić
Creative Strategy Lead

Canonical Design Team
m: 07968704460
e: ivanka.majic at canonical.com

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