[ubuntu-art] IMPORTANT : Natty illustration wallpaper submissions group

Vishnoo vish at ubuntu.com
Fri Feb 18 18:07:39 UTC 2011

On Fri, 2011-02-18 at 19:55 +0300, Сергей wrote:
> On the other hand, a separate group for artwork makes much more sense
> than mixing it with photography. Participators can look for
> inspiration and judges won't have to separate artwork from photos.

Yep, thats why submissions were in a separate place earlier, but the
site had technical issues while submitting.
So instead of making it confusing about which group to submit within the
same site, Iain just had one group and he has a process already in place
how to ensure that the judging takes into account these 3 wallpapers.

Now we have people submitting illustrations in 2 groups, the official
group and some misled people submitting in his personal-group. 
Complicating everything for folks just interested in contributing their

I find it hard to believe that he has done this unintentionally.
Even if he was not sure where the illustrations were supposed to be
submitted, how difficult is it for one to just ask the persons concerned
for some clarification?
Random people submitting artwork commented on the blog that submitting
was broken on the art-owl site and quickly the site was changed to
flickr. How difficult is it for someone to just ask for clarification?

After he blogged about his group recently, I noticed that he has
commented in several places propagating his group even *before* the
switch to flickr was done.
See his comment here:
His comment was prior to Iain's comment about the update to submissions.


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