[ubuntu-art] Ubuntu Software Centre Banner

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at canonical.com
Tue Aug 30 14:30:30 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA1

Leute Graphic wrote on 27/08/11 21:02:
> Hi,
> I'd make a banner for Ubuntu Software Center
> Rendered Image (file .jpg) UbuntuSoftware.jpg (image/jpeg) 175K
> <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=08381f61c5&view=att&th=1320cd541136441c&attid=0.2&disp=safe&realattid=f_grv0jgem1&zw>
> Template Image (file .psd)Ubuntu Centre.psd (application/photoshop)
> 3700K
> <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=08381f61c5&view=att&th=1320cd541136441c&attid=0.1&disp=safe&realattid=f_grv0jgeb0&zw>

Hi Leute

I'm not sure what this banner is for. Are you imagining it would go at
the top of the USC window, like the current "Our picks" banner?

If so, it has many problems. As Pritam Baral said, it uses the old USC
icon. It does not comply with the Blender trademark usage guidelines,
and it infringes on the Chrome trademark. It is too tall (612 pixels
rather than 200). The text would disappear off the right edge of the
default window size. And it's not obvious what the destination is.

We would like banners for good individual applications, which follow the
branding for those applications. A banner needs to:
*   be 200 pixels high
*   have plenty of room, in its leftmost 700 pixels, for the application
    name to be printed on top
*   look complete in its leftmost 700 pixels
*   continue out to 1500 pixels or so
*   avoid prominent text in any particular language.

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