[ubuntu-art] Open Letter to Ivanka Majic / Canonical Design Team

Ivanka Majic ivanka.majic at canonical.com
Thu Oct 28 03:19:14 BST 2010

Dear John,

Thank you for you letter which seems to represent an excellent summary 
of the session proceedings from all three sessions we have had at UDS-N.

I, for one, look forward to the agreed tasks taking shape!

Kind regards,


On 26/10/10 20:14, John Baer wrote:
> Ivanka,
> As a follow up to the UDS-N discussion titled “Reinvigorate the Ubuntu 
> Artwork Team” I would like to offer additional comments for your 
> consideration.
> It is agreed there is risk to embracing a team who has not performed 
> well in the past and to the risk they may not perform well in the 
> future. However, community is what drives Ubuntu and I believe there 
> is a solution which adds value.
> Consider for the moment receiving a request to create a new logo for 
> the Ubuntu One web site. Accompanying this request are the 
> requirements and notes from previous discussions.
> In the current paradigm you may assign this task to a Design Team 
> member you feel will deliver the best result, or you may offer it to 
> the member who has availability, or you may solicit a volunteer who 
> expresses interest in doing the work.
> Folding the “Artwork Team” into the mix I would consider the following 
> paradigm.
> 1. Take the request and create a specification. The specification 
> should have enough detail an artist ( Design Team or Artwork Team ) 
> can create submissions for your consideration.
> 2. Post the meta data to a web site as a task and the specification to 
> the wiki. Meta data in this context may include elements like request 
> number, description, owner, due date, links, etc.
> 3. Include as part of the specification the instructions on how to 
> offer submissions.
> 4. Assuming a Ubuntu artwork repository, the site would permit the 
> uploading of images and the creation of thumb-nails. In a blog like 
> manner users may comment as desired. The site may manage versions or 
> it can be assumed the last submission is the most current version.
> 5. At some point in time you or the business owner may select the best 
> candidate, announce the decision to the group, and mark the request as 
> complete.
> To mitigate the risk an Artwork Team member may not participate or the 
> quality of the submissions are in-adequate, plan to engage a Design 
> Team member. You are no worst than the current paradigm and as this 
> process matures you will find participation and quality become non issues.
> Other paradigms such as contests would work the same way.
> The result in my opinion is folks will flock to this team to learn, to 
> contribute, and to be a part of a winning community.
> Design Team members will assume leadership roles expanding 
> contributions in ways I can not imagine.
> Respectfully,
> John Baer
> Artwork Team

Ivanka Majic'
Creative Strategy Lead

Canonical Design Team
m: 07968704460
e: ivanka.majic at canonical.com

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