[ubuntu-art] Improving What We Do! (Martin Owens)

Thorsten Wilms t_w_ at freenet.de
Fri Oct 15 09:26:16 BST 2010

On Thu, 2010-10-14 at 20:25 -0400, John Baer wrote:

> I like what I see with ccHost and there may be expertise ( Bryce? ) to
> help mold it into a useful tool. 
> The openclipart site looked good ( http://www.openclipart.org/ ).

Personally, I would avoid anything based on PHP. It's amazing what
people build with that poorly designed language, but it still doesn't
make it look like a god choice.

> 1. Will Canonical host it? If not, then who?

I would not count on Canonical. Especially not on any buy-in prior to us
having something in our hands. I think there's a "words are cheap, see
who actually delivers" at work, combined with everyone being busy enough

After making sure we will tackle the right problem, the primary concern
on the technical side should be cutting down the required development
effort. Not at the cost of justified features, but by starting with an
informed choice of language and framework. Even if that makes hosting
more difficult/expensive, as developer time is very precious.

We could try to collect donations for hosting, once there is something
to show.

> 2. What does Canonical plan to do with the current Wiki and when.

There's a theme update in the pipeline, but AFAIK that's all they plan
to change regarding the wiki.

What all the other teams and Canonical want to use for their
collaborative documentation needs is up to them.

What I have in mind will be for this team and anyone else who wants to
work on design/artwork in the FLOSS realm in a structured way. Not tying
it to Ubuntu will only make it more valuable, as GNOME, application
projects and even other distributions could use it, too.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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