[ubuntu-art] Edubuntu Spec - Take Two

Thorsten Wilms t_w_ at freenet.de
Tue Nov 30 10:04:09 GMT 2010

On Mon, 2010-11-29 at 18:29 -0800, j_baer wrote:

> > Desired message to Students
> >   Edubuntu is:
> >     * Fun
> >     * Empowering
> >     * Important
> >     * Open
> >     * A valuable experience

Instead of "open", I would say "easily available". "Important" could be
replaced with something that gets to the Why. "A valuable experience "
seems a bit redundant. Ordering by priority:

 * Fun
 * Empowering
 * A key to future success
 * Easily available and accessible
> >   Metaphors and associations:
> >     * Games
> >     * Exploration
> >     * Pencil
> >     * Water colors
> >     * Space
> >     * Energy

Not sure about "space" and "energy".

 * Edubuntu as vehicle to reach new ground
 * A path through chaos
 * Connecting the dots
 * Building blocks

> > Desired message to Teachers
> >   Edubuntu is:
> >     * Stable, reliable
> >     * Secure
> >     * Free of charge
> >     * Open the mind to new ideas
> >     * Inspire and motivate
> >     * Improve academic performance
> >     * Improve personal growth
> >     * Satisfy the need for a sophisticated and rewarding learning
> > experience

Nitpicking: take care of building sentences with the part before the
colon, or turn all bullet points into complete sentences. Split into 2
blocks, if need be.

> >   Metaphors and associations:
> >     * Classroom
> >     * Books
> >     * Chalkboard
> >     * Science
> >     * Poem
> >     * Music
> >     * Math
> >     * Teaching
> >     * Learning
> >     * Community

This just came to my mind and I can't reduce it to a point:
Think of society as a huge graph of interconnected individuals. Older,
well established parts of the graph are filled up with knowledge like a
(glowing) liquid. The role of teachers in this graph is to serve as hubs
for new "nodes". (A more realistic take would show teachers as tour
guides, but that can't be drawn easily.)

> > Palette
> > 
> > The Edubuntu palette is bold and rich and the community wishes to continue
> > the tradition by using colors which are vibrant yet pleasing to the eye.

"Bold and rich" doesn't seem appropriate to me, here. I would keep the 3
color palette that's on the wiki now (at least the red and beige) as an
anchor. It just has to be clear that the wallpaper shouldn't have them
all over the place and might not even contain them at all.

> > ToDo
> > ... ( same as Xubuntu )

That means:
* Define colors used in the panel and windows. Evaluate them in light of
the intended message. Suggest changes accordingly.
* Identify icons likely to appear on the desktop
* Create templates that allow to see proposals in context
* Select associations and metaphors and work on literal or abstract
takes on them.

Thank you John, you provided a good base and it's comparably easy to
come in later to criticize and add a few notes :)

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

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