[ubuntu-art] Adding a Task to the Project Board

j_baer baerjj at gmail.com
Sun Nov 14 00:17:48 GMT 2010

The work we perform may be classified as either a request or a proposal. The
two are identical with the following exceptions. 

1. A request originates from the community
2. A proposal originates from the team
3. A proposal has more risk as it may be rejected by the community

Attached to every request or proposal should be a specification or "spec".
The spec informs team members who are interested in contributing what needs
to be done. It may also serve as the criteria for acceptance ( does the
submission satisfy the spec ). In agile development I often say "define
don't assign".

The question is when should a task be added to the 
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Tasks project board ? 


- Requests from the community may be added upon receipt as long as they have
a sponsor.

-- If the spec is missing, set the status to "Waiting spec"

-- If unassigned, leave assigned blank


- I suggest proposals be discussed on the mailing list first and when there
is agreement to proceed, add it to the project board. In the case of a
proposal, the team member or the team is the sponsor.

-- Proposal specs should be complete before posting to the project board

-- In many cases with proposals, assigned is the same as sponsor

Solicitation for Advice

Generally requests for advice are best suited for the mailing list. If the
discussion evolves into the creation of mock ups or performing research, it
may be wise to post a task to the project board and create a spec as we did
with the "Ubuntu Forums" request.


View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/Adding-a-Task-to-the-Project-Board-tp30210174p30210174.html
Sent from the ubuntu-art mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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