[ubuntu-art] Ubuntu Jersey's
Dea Million
dea at deamillion.com
Thu Mar 11 02:15:42 GMT 2010
Hi Trey,
I'd like to give this a go. Do you still need help?
Déa Million
On Mar 5, 2010, at 9:57 AM, Trey Ethridge wrote:
> Hello all,
> I haven't received a response from anyone that would like to help out with this project. I feel that this is a great opportunity for someone that is looking to expand their portfolio. These are cycling jersey's that have the approval of the marketing team at Canonical. There are several Canonical employees that plan to purchase these jersey's.
> If I don't get any help from the community, I'm going to have to raise money and hire a professional artist. If you have an interest in this project, please let me know.
> Thank you,
> Trey
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 10:50 AM, Trey Ethridge <tethridge at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all!
> I'm riding in two charity bike rides this year. One is for Multiple Sclerosis and the other is for Diabetes. I've requested and received permission from Canonical to create custom jerseys for use on these rides. My team is going to be called "Team Ubuntu".
> This is a chance for the community to show that we can roll with the best jerseys that we often see for companies like Microsoft, Red Hat, Cisco, and Nortel. I'm am hoping that we can use some Ubuntu culture for the theme of the jersey. Ubuntu has a unique mascot for each release. My thought was that we would design a jersey that incorporated the mascots of our releases. The style of the Hardy Heron wallpaper was pretty popular and would probably look good on jerseys. Here is a link to the wall paper I'm referring to: http://images.google.com/images?q=hardy+heron+wallpaper
> The jersey could include the current supported releases or we could try to incorporate them all. The jersey isn't limited to a predefined set of colors, so we really have a lot of leeway in our design.
> Here is the list of mascots so you don't have to look them up:
> Lucid Lynx
> Karmic Koala
> Jaunty Jackalope
> Intrepid Ibex
> Hardy Heron
> Dapper Drake
> Gutsy Gibbon
> Feisty Fawn
> Edgy Eft
> Breezy Badger
> Hoary Hedgehog
> Warty Warthog
> I realize that there is a wiki page for Ubuntu Jerseys, but I feel that we want to push the boundaries more than these designs. The jerseys appear to be limited by the number of colors that they can contain due to manufacturing limits. Plus, they appear to just reuse a lot of logos and I'm hoping for something new and exciting.
> Here is a link to some designs that another cycling team in the Multiple Sclerosis ride received when they placed a bid on the crowdspring.com design site. http://www.crowdspring.com/project/1283223_cycling-jersey-logo-vin/
> Check out the Ubuntu jerseys here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuCyclists
> I've picked out a company to print our jerseys. They require that the design be in the SVG format. Here is a link to the templates that they recommend using when designing.
> Jersey template:
> http://champ-sys.com/media/SS%20Raglan%20Without%20Side%20Panel.pdf
> Shorts template:
> http://champ-sys.com/media/FullWrap%20U%20Panel%20MBI040.pdf
> They have some notes about the black areas of the templates. The black area can be one of seven pre-dyed colors. I recommend checking out the notes on the page.
> http://champ-sys.com/custom/cycling/formsandtemplates
> The Diabetes ride is in June and the Multiple Sclerosis ride is in September. The manufacturing process takes 6 to 8 weeks, so we have some time to design.
> I look forward to hearing from the group. This is an exciting opportunity for your artwork to be seen by thousands of participants in these events. Please let me know if you have questions or need additional information.
> Sincerely,
> Trey Ethridge
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