[ubuntu-art] Bland welcome screen...

Сергей shnatsel at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 17:38:56 BST 2010

> Actually I use GDM for logging in but the boot experience is simply a black
> screen until GDM appears (fresh install; didn't touch any config files).
> I was hopping for a smooth boot experience for 10.04 but it seems that at
> least my machine still does not play nice with plymouth.

Plymouth can be shown for a very short time because most boot time is
spent on kernel init and plumbing, and Plymouth works only during
X.org and GDM init, which take 1-2 seconds. You can have a look at
bootcharts at http://people.canonical.com/~scott/daily-bootcharts/,
look for plymouth (not plymouthd) there.

IMO, plain login screen is a real problem for look and feel of Ubuntu,
but changing it goes far beyond artwork. Karmic GDM mockups
(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Karmic/Boot/Demo/) looked
great, but what we got in the end?

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