[ubuntu-art] How fast does your PC boot? - promotional video ad for Ubuntu

Mr. Andrzejak mrandrzejak at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 20:12:32 BST 2010


Have you done a completely new fresh install of Lucid? My boot times were
pretty decent after an upgrade, but I noticed big improvements after I had
backed up my data and did a clean fresh install of 10.04. I dont know if Im
at a 10 second boot time, but I think Im in the 15-20 seconds boot time
without actually timing it.


On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 12:06 PM, Nathan Beaumont <nathanbmnt at gmail.com>wrote:

> The boot speed you showed is not consistent with mine, now that I have
> the amount of programs I need on Ubuntu my boot speed has been raised
> to about a minute, it might also be the general speed of my computer.
> If you really want to show how quickly Ubuntu boots up then you need
> to do a side-by-side comparison turning on the same computer with
> windows and Ubuntu. I'm not sure how to record a booting sequence but
> I'm sure there are ways it can be done.
> --
> nathanmbnt at gmail.com

Sent from my Ubuntu OS (ubuntu.com)
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