[ubuntu-art] Business Cards

Kenneth Wimer kwwii at ubuntu.com
Mon Jan 18 14:12:05 GMT 2010

On Monday 18 January 2010 12:52:15 pm Thorsten Wilms wrote:
> On Thu, 2010-01-07 at 14:21 +0100, Kenneth Wimer wrote:
> > > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BusinessCards
> >
> > It is therefore important that we offer both formats
> > but it is imperative that the designs are not changed in any way.

Maybe I should rephrase this...the current design is the official design which 
has already been signed off on by Canonical and the community. Any design which 
intends to replace that design would also have to go through the same process.

> That's in conflict with changing the font to a free one shipped with
> Ubuntu. Which makes me want to not touch those files and the wiki page
> at all.
> > As for have a one-sided design as well as the two sided design, I will
> > clear this up and get back to you ;) I will have a definite answer by the
> > beginning on next week (yes, some people are still on vacation!).
> One week later ...
> There actually is a one-sided design already, BTW. With text that runs
> off the page!? Goes to show how bad it is to have several options with
> no meaningful description on a page where no one took responsibility for
> the whole thing. Ken: I suggest whoever you had to asked shall take care
> of it ;)

One or two sided makes no difference, you're right :)


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